Thursday, December 5, 2019


 Today in AP, we read poems and we also figured out that people write more about love and death because its relatable. Once we finished with those, Mr. Rease assigned for us to write a poem about anything and he would submit them for a poem contest for teens. I wrote mine about childhood and I'm sure that everybody could relate to it.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Thanksgiving break is over

 Today was the day that we all went back to school after our week long Thanksgiving break, I hope everyone had a relaxing break. In AP Lit., we did a small quiz on The Color Purple, I got 3 out of 5 correct. Once we were done with the first quiz, we began to read the book. We read the entire block, it was interesting parts like when Sofia got beaten and arrested for not willing to be the mayor's wife's maid, it's a lot more to it though. Once we finished reading some of the other letters we did another quiz on those letters, and it was easy.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Prose Essay

 Today in AP, we were given a prose essay on the first 3 letters of The Color Purple. When writing, I didn't find anything too difficult, I just wasnt moving fast enough with the amount of time that we had to complete this essay. The prompt explained that we had to figure out what tone the author used and how it was used  by a character, which is Celie.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Small Tasks

 Today in AP, we did a short recap on The Color Purple. Once we were done we read what I'm believing is only one letter of the book, it was interesting. After this, we began on a prompt, with this we only did one paragraph and had a discussion about the prompt and paragraphs that were read out loud by some of my other classmates.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Be The Character (letter)

Be The Character

Today in AP, Mr. Rease had us draw a character's name from The Color Purple because, we were going to use the S.T E.A.L. method as well as writing a letter from their perspective. My character is the one and only Shug Avery. I'm going to post the letter onto my blog which will be the following post.

Monday, November 18, 2019


 Today in AP, we went over some claims from our essays that were grammatically incorrect and a few more things. We're doing this so that we could be prepared for our upcoming essay this Friday. Once we finished, with that with the remaining time left we had of class, we read some more of The Color Purple. Once were done, Mr.Rease instructed us to make 5 claims about the letters that were read today.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Sophia, Sophia, Sophia!

 Today in AP, we had to answer some questions based on the first letters that we read. Once we finished, we read more of The Color Purple. In these letters it, the class found out that Celie is jealous of her step son Harpo's wife named Sophia. Both her and Mister suggest that Harpo beats Sophia to "get her right." In my opinion I love Sophia's strong personality, she is herself no matter who doesn't like her. Once we were done reading a certain portion of the letter, Mr. Reese put on a scene of The Color Purple when Celie tells Harpo to beat Celie. The movie leaves out a lot of details from the story. By reading the book, it gives me a better understanding of more things that I didn't understand from the movie.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


 Today in AP, we began on reading The Color Purple by Alice Walker. I already watched the movie, but the story reveals a lot more than the movie does. I love this book already, even though we aren't deep in the book yet I know that I will be just as good as the movie. This story has a lot of vulgar moments in it, but I'm mature enough to cope with it and understand and not freak out about it all.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


 Today in AP, we discussed about our final poem by Sylvia Plath known as The Moon and a Yew Tree. Since there were 4 stanzas, Mr. Reese broke us up into 4 groups. Each group had to analyze each stanza to see what the speaker was trying to say in them. When we presented, my group did exceptionally well, the other groups had the most trouble due to theirs being more in depth. Analyzing a poem, a dark poem at that, is very hard to do on our own.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Mr. Reese just wasted my time!!

 Today in AP we went over a new poem called You're by Sylvia Plath. The poem was really good and from what the class got from analyzing it, we figured that she was talking about a baby. When we finished reading Mr. Reese assigned for us to complete with analyzing each line. Since the class was mainly talking instead of doing the assignment, he created a pop quiz for us which was very hilarious. He gave us multiple things to put on it before the paper before the quiz. When we got to question number 7, he told us to put on our paper "Mr. Reese Just wasted my time." When he told us this everyone erupted into laugher. This was the funniest day ever in this class.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Real Poetic

 Today in AP, Mr. Reese assigned us to to write our own poem based off of an inanimate object. I decided to write mine on a student desk it wasn't hard to write but finding a rhyme scheme was. We then presented our poems to the class and some of the other classmates' poems were great. I enjoyed myself with writing this poem, but I think I could have done even better than what it is.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween

 Today in AP we read two of Sylvia Plath's poems one called Lady Lazarus and the other is called Daddy. Lady Lazarus was very complex I could hardly understand it but what I could clearly see was that the speaker feels as if everyone is the enemy. Also an urban legend told to the class by Mr. Reese was that by reading this poem it brings back Sylvia Plath. Being that it's also Halloween everyone was in shock yet intriegued by that and I might look into that. The next poem, Daddy, shows all of her anger towards her father who passed when she was only 8. The speaker feels as though he father could have prevented his sudden death if he went to a doctore for treatment. Throughout the poem, she compares him to the Nazi and devil, both holding a negative feeling and description. She feels as if her father ripped her own life away when he died. Class wasn't a lot of work today but tomorrow we have an essay to write.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Work keys

 Today I didn't get to go to any of my classes except for my last class due to the ACT Work Keys test. It was the easiest test that I had taken this year.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A True Reflection

 Today in AP, we began on reading Mirror by Sylvia Plath. Before we start the reading, Mr. Reese told us to write down what we see when we look in the mirror and I would like to share it with you all.

 When I look in the mirror, the first thing I notice is my lips. They're very pretty and unique, they stand out the most on my face. I notice the few flaws I have such as acne and dark spots. I see how much my hair has grown within the past year, and I'm proud of this growth. I see a beautiful young woman becoming more open-minded with life. I also see the "shy girl" stunt that I put on in public knowing that I'm the most goofy and funny person to be around outside of school. I see a lot of positive changes within myself mentally and physically.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Spooky Szn

 Today Mr. Reese didn't show up to school so we didn't have anything to do in AP Lit. While everyone else talked with one another, I decided to watch scary paranormal storytimes on YouTube. They were very intriguing videos.

Friday, October 25, 2019


 Today, we were put in groups once again. We had to finish up our paragraph from a few days ago, as well as making corrections. Before we got to the second half of the task, I got an early dismissal.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Get Well Soon

Today, I didn't go to school. Instead of that I had to stay home due to a cold that is affecting me in the worst way possible.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


 Today in class, Mr. Reese assigned us to groups for a different task. We were instructed, in our groups, to answer the prompt, but only with a thesis statement and paragraph, that was on the board. My group made this harder than what it needed to be. But eventually everybody finally started to listen to me and understand how the prompt was supposed to be answered because, our paragraph wasn't put together at all. Once we all the an understanding of each other, we began with our assignment. From my point of view, in order to work as a team, your have to be able to compromise and understand others in that group. I believe that we did understand each other, but there was no compromising as much as it should have been.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Lights, Camera, Action!

 Today in AP, we finally finished reading Fences and it ended beautifully. We found out that Troy' s daughter's name is Raynell. Troy and Cory got into a heated fight which could have been resolved, but in the next scene, sadly Troy passed away, and this was years later in the year of 1965. Cory and Raynell met for the first time, and Cory is in the Marines. Gabe also blows on a trumpet without a mouth piece, therefore resulting in no sound, and does a dance so that St. Peter could open up Heaven's gates for Troy. Once the story ended, Mr. Reese decided that the class should split up into 3 groups, similar to how we did for the play Macbeth, we are reenacting a scene of the play without rewriting it as a scenario. My group is doing the scene when Troy and Cory fight which is scene 4 of act 2, and we get to bring props which is even better. I'm very excited to be doing this again.

Friday, October 18, 2019


Today, I came in late due to community service with my school's band. When I did come in the class was working on the claims that we made on yesterday along with evidence. Once we finished with that, we read some more of the play and Troy and Rose hadn't spoken for 6 months since the whole cheating incedent. Alberta died from giving birth to a baby girl and Rose isn't affected by it but Troy is only worried about where his daughter will go. Rose agrees to take care of her but Troy no longer has a woman on his side.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Troy's Not Ready

 Today in AP, we finally started back reading the play called Fences. Before reading the play, Mr.Reese asked us to evaluate what we learned from the essays that we read yesterday. A quick recap... Bono and Troy are talking about their fathers, and Troy runs away from home dye to his father being immature and abusive, this led into him becoming a man at a young age. We read some more of the play and comes to find out, Troy got Cory, his son, kicked off of the football team, and Cory was furious. The class soon found out about Troy cheating on Rose with a girl named Alberta, Alberta is also pregnant. Troy was thinking about his own feelings not once thinking of what Rose felt throughout his entire time cheating with Alberta. We analyzed some of the play and assumed that maybe Troy told because of what could possible happen, being that Alberta is pregnant with his child, it'll soon come out. When we finished reading a certain amount of the play, we were instructed to make claims on both Troy and Rose's perspective and find evidence in the text that give good support for the claims.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Crazy Essays

 Today in AP, we read some essays written by students in my class. They were all not well put together, and had nothing to do with the prompt assigned to us a few weeks ago. While we were reading, there were many premature and unnecessary words. In my opinion, I feel as thought they didn't put in any effort in answering the prompt correctly and thoroughly. One essay was only a paragraph. I'm glad that I took my time to really look into my notes on what the prompt was about. Today wasn't as much work but we really got the opportunity to see first hand what the teachers have to go through when grading our work.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A Day Out

   Today, we didn't have class. Mr. Reese instructed for us to go to the library because Auburn University wanted to speak with us seniors about joining that college.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Boy vs Man

   Today, we were told to make a T-chart on the differences between a boy and a man. And there were a lot of things that I learned to day, one being that you don't have to like your loved ones, just be there to help and better their lives. We began to read the story and it turns out that Troy could possibly be cheating on Rose with a girl named Alberta, even though he has been going to a club known as Taylors a fee times. Throughout the rest of the scenes that we went over, Troy nags Cory about taking his responsibilites and doing what's needed first then to do what he wants if it's possible, but Cory doesn'twant to listen to that he is more in a rush to do things. Troy and Bono then go on in the next scene and Troy announces his promotion to being a driver, but with no license. He and Bono then go on to talk about their horrible fathers.

Intro to "Fences" (late ~ 10/07/2019)

    Today in AP we we introduced to this play known as Fences by August Wilson. Before we began reading, Mr. Reese asked us to give the literal and metaphorical meaning of a fence, which had some good answers to it. Once we did that he asked us questions about our own lives like "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?", and things of that sort. Me. Reese then gave a brief summary of the author himself. The story begins with the main characters Troy, Bono, and Rose. Troy seems to be very rude but always wants to be right about situations, Bono is what everyone these days know has a "yes man", and Rose seems to be very kind.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Insanity at its best!

    Today in class, we began to read a diary written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman called The Yellow Wallpaper. Before we began reading Mr.Reese asked why do people put up wallpaper our answers were the following: they're lazy, to decorate, and to cover up a mess. Once we began reading it turned out to be okay up until the 4th entry, the narrator began to imagine a figure moving under the wallpaper. This narrator is going postpartum depression, and in this case it gets worse due to the fact that her husband takes her as a joke.The class did in deed find this crazy because of how random this part just came up along with in the few following entries when the narrator began to go crazy when she noticed her husband, John, and  nanny, Mary, sometimes stared at the wall as well. We took notes on all that we read and make a chart for the 4 themes that are found in the book: mental illness, gender roles and domestic life, outward appearance vs. inner life, and self-expression, miscommunication, and misunderstanding

Monday, September 23, 2019

DIY Story

    Today in Reese's class, he assigned the class to make up our own story, but he introduced a new method to us which made writing it much more easier that how we once did it before. The setting and characters don't make sense and the way it's put together is really funny, suck as the status of some characters in the story. Once we were done setting up everything we needed, we had to use those things to create an idea of the story on our own. I didn't get to finish mine but I'll still publish it. The story revolves around an Asian woman by the name of Rose Lee who has been divorced, but I made my story be around how she met her now ex husband, basically a back story. I didn't get to finish but I've been instructed to publish my part.

    The nail shop in Costco was giving the first 30 women free pedicures since it was Mother's Day. Rose Lee heard about the news the day before, got her mother and Susan ( Her BFF), and left to the shop before it even opened. Once they arrived, being the first 3 to arrive, they stood at the enterancebof the shop awaiting anxiously. A woman and was is assumed to be her husband soon join the line behind them, and at first Rose doesn't pay them any mind, but out of curiosity she just so happens to turn around and locks eyes with the husband, who's VERY attractive in her eyes and vice versa. The woman noticed that Rose had been staring at her husband for a tad bit too long, this caused her blood to boil with rage.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Who killed Duncan???

   Today we read some of act 2 in Macbeth. Comes to find out Macbeth and his lady took part in the murder of King Duncan. Once we finished reading, Mr.Reese instructed for us to do an investigation on the murder of Duncan and figure out how no one suspect that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth did indeed murder him. We were also told to write 5 quotes from act 2 scenes 1-4.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


   Mr. Reese was in today and he introduced a play to us called Macbeth by Shakespeare. We didn't read it, but he did give a basic summary onbwhat it will be about. We also answered questions pertaining to our lives that connects with this book in a way. I personally am hoping that this play is as good as the other stories we read in Reese's class.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Free Day

  Today, Mr. Reese didn't show up so the class went to Mr.Mai's class. We didnt do much except for watching funny animal videos.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Sonnet 29

    Today, we were split into groups to summarize one of Shakespeare's sonnets, "When in disgrace with Fortune and mens eyes." In order for the whole class to have an understanding on how to analyze and paraphrase a sonnet, we were assigned to summarize and analyze this sonnet on our own. This assignment was easy and the sonnet wasn't hard to understand, in fact it's very relatable. Once we were finished Mr.Rease, my AP Lit. teacher, had us turn in our paragraph explaining our claims that were made about the speaker.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Sunshine And Shakespeare

   Today, we learned the basics about Shakespearean sonnets. It's going to take a little while for me to fully understand, but it is easy to remember. We summarized each stanza as well as telling the them of one of William Shakespeare's sonnets. This poem was very lovely, it told a lot about beauty within oneself. I also learned that Shakespeare's plays and sonnets are written in blank verse using Iambic Pentameter.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Short Day

   Today wasn't much in class. I came in late and made up a test. After i finished, the other 2 groups presented their poems to the class. The poem were okay, but i left early, therefore, i didn't get to listen to them speak about the rest of their poem in the last group. Both poems revolved around saddness amd dispair in a way, but they were ok poems.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Im Nobody! Who are You?

   Today in AP Literature, we were assigned to groups for a poem assignment. In my group, we mainly focused on a poem called I'm Nobody! Who are You? by Emily Dickinson. In order for us to understand this poem, we had to basically break down each line, summarise the poem, characterize the authour, and find a literary device then evaluate why it is effective in order to understand our poems. After 20 minutes of doing this, each group went up to present their poem to the class. Only 2 groups went today, my group and group 3. My group, which was group 1, did a good job and I wasn't nervous about presenting my portion of the assignmet to the class. This is great because, I once was very nervous about doing presentations.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Meal Time in the African American Culture

   In the African American culture, the function of meal time is very important. Meal time on certain occasions is a special moment when all family members can come together and enjoy one another's company. During meal time, if4 everyone is in one room, it would be easier for them to open up and discuss. In most active homes no one has time to sit and talk about their lives and problems. As a result, meal time would be an easy way to bring the family together to talk. Meal time is also a comforter in most African American homes. From what is known, this culture cooks large portions of foods for every occasion. Getting a good home cooked meal from a grandparent is comforting to many people. In conclusion, the African American culture uses meal time to keep the family together.

Friday, February 22, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 8

In chapter 9, Grant is really overreacting about the whole situation. He isn't letting his anger go when it comes to helping Jefferson. He doesn't think about how everyone else would feel and I think that later on in the book either Miss Emma or Tante Lou will tell him about himself. During their visit at the prison, Grant didn't feel any different about the situation when he saw Jefferson. It's like Grant seems to feel a bit guilty for feeling the way he does about Jefferson.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 7

Chapter 8 was very relative to current days in life. At the beginning of the chapter I feel as though this relates strongly to the men these days, they act like little boys. What I can get from this is that no matter the age, if you don't learn in school or life, then you are bound to either end up dead, in a prison, or have lack on intelligence and knowledge. Grant's teacher Matthew Antoine is indeed racist but he still tolerates with Grant no matter the skin tone. He is a very individual due to the fact that he intentionally corrupted the minds of Grant's classmates at young ages. People like this are still walking around the world to this day. They would rather see a black man fail and be what those call a "bum" or locked up than seeing a successful black person thrive to achieve greatness.

Monday, February 18, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 6

Based on chapter 7, Mr. Johnson seems to be a very careless person. He isn't right for getting Grant's last name wrong on purpose, Grant was being respectful towards him so he should at least show an ounce of kindness and respect. Mr. Johnson is a cruel person, especially when he suggested to grant that the students can go buy their own school supplies and when he also suggested that they should "stop being lazy" and gather pecans and sell them to buy their own toothbrushes and other items. This shows that back then, no black person, no matter your age, was treated less than nothing in the 1900's.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 5

In chapter 6,Grant is now willing to go through with teaching Jefferson since Mr.Henri and Mr.Louis are betting that he won't be able to do so. It's like they wanted to make Grant upset by making him wait a whole two hours. In my opinion, he was right for not showing lack of knowledge. This shows the white men that he wasn't dumb enough to fall for their tricks, also it shows that he is a very well educated black man. Mr. Henri and Mr. Louis needed to see that Grant is fit for this task, even if he doesn't want to do it.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 4

Grant seems to be very impulsive towards his students in chapter 5. I understand that this story takes place in the 1940's but he shouldn't hurt his students the way he is doing. Both physically and emotionally, he is wrong for hurting these children. He is acting out badly just because he can't have his way and not help Jefferson. He is taking his anger out on the wrong people. If he is so angry, he should take this anger to the jury of the 13 white men who decided to sentence Jefferson to death. He's taking the "teaching you how to be a man/woman" phrase the wrong way. If he wants to push some one into maturing and growing up, he should first learn patience, then try teaching the students how they are supposed to be men and women in his school. He knows that he doesn't have a choice but to teach Jefferson how to be a man, therefore, he needs to put his feelings aside until this is all over.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 3

In chapter 4, Grant seems like an apathetic type of person. It's like he doesn't want to help because, either way, Jefferson is going to die. In my opinion, he isn't being a man at all, in fact, he is acting more like a teenage boy. I say this because he is messing around with a married woman, Dora, and she is allowing it. Even though she is getting a divorce, Dora doesn't know if her feelings will ever change with the way she feels about her husband. Grant acts sort if disrespectful in this chapter and I don't believe that he is fit enough to turn Jefferson into a man before he dies.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 2

Chapters 2 and 3 leaves me on edge. Unlike chapter 1, these chapters were more intense. Grant going down to the prison to make Jefferson into a man before his death is very moving. In my opinion, he is doing the right thing by doing this; Jefferson deserves to die as a man instead of as a "hog". I feel as though Miss Emma is taking Jefferson's punishment harder than anybody else.

Monday, February 11, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 1

The beginning of this story is very detailed and visual. In my opinion, Jefferson didn't deserve a death penalty. Like his attorney stated, he doesn't even know how to plan so how could he use a gun to kill Mr.Grope'? Jefferson's family doesn't deserve to deal with the death of him due to him being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I feel as though he shouldn't be given the death penalty, but time in jail would've been enough. But due to it being in this time and era, giving an African American, a male at that, time in a prison or jail was not an option to most whites.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Rhetorical Devices from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Speech

1. Allusion
   - Ex. 1.) "5 score years ago..." ( Sentence 1, Paragraph 2)
      - It gives the audience a visualization of the time and era that is taking place.
   - Ex. 2.) " My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing." (Sentence 2, Paragraph 20)
      - Gives the audience a visualization of the freedom they have in this country.
Allusion is used in this speech to give the audience a visual thought of change and equality for the better.

2. Antithesis
   - Ex. 1.) "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be  judged by the color of their skin but by the content or their character." (Sentence 1, Paragraph 18)
     - Sets a division between African Americans and their character. This statement shows that not all black people are out to cause harm anybody, they just want to be treated equally.
   - Ex. 2.) "..., Jew and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, ..." ( Lines 4 & 5, paragraph 23)
     - These religions are somewhat related to one another, but not alike. The purpose of this part of the speech was to acknowledge the many different religions, also to make a point that just because there is a difference doesn't mean that you have to be against them or treat them any different than or religions.
Antithesis is used in this speech to acknowledge all of the many differences in the world such as, your race, the color of your skin, and your religion to show that no matter how much you try to avoid it, diversity is going to be here regardless of the circumstances.

3. Repetition
    - Ex. 1.) "I have a dream that one day..." (Paragraph 16-19)
      - The repeating of these words may cause a movement to the audience to have a dream and do whatever it takes to live to that dream.
    -Ex. 2.) " Let freedom ring..." (Paragraph 20-23)
      - This quote promotes the thought of letting freedom be free for all round the nation.
Repetition is used in this speech for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to get his point across and by trying to start a movement for those who are for him.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Terms & Paragraph

1. Blunders - A stupid or careless mistake
2. Zany - Amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic; An erratic or eccentric person
3. Incongruous - Not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects  of something
4. Ridicule - The subjection of someone or something to contemptuous and dismissive language or behavior
5. Affected Tone - Rude or mean tone in voice
6. Superiority - State of being superior; supercilious manner or attitude
7. Gratuitously - Without good reason, unjustifiably; Free
8. Septuagenarian - A person who is from 70 to 79 years old
9 Frolicking - Play and move about cheerfully, excitedly, or energetically
10. Jeering - Making rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice; Shout rude and mocking remarks at someone

                                          Unfortunate Events at the Mall

     There once was a young girl who was the type to have superiority over others at times when it was necessary. She wasn't as perfect as other would think she was. One day while frolicking around at the mall with a few friends, the girl bumped into a guy causing both of their shopping bags to fall out of their hands. The girl didn't find anything funny, however, the guy and his friends did as they all laughed in a incongruous way;she had a piece of cupcake that she was eating on and in her nose, " what's so funny zany boy?", she questioned him in an affected tone. "WhAt'S So fUNNy ZanY BoY?", the boy said jeeringly which caused the girl to gratuitously push him hard enough to send him flying in to a septuagenarian woman. The old lady ended up dropping her cane and the girl rushed over to help her, "sorry ma'am, it was a huge blunder, I didn't mean to cause you any harm." The elderly woman soon called security on  the girl, the boy, and their friends. She told him about their horse playing which caused her to drop her cane. The security guard escorted them all out the mall, and in the midst of this all happening, the girl ridiculed the boy and vice versa.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

What is your idea of the "American Dream"?

My idea of the "American Dream" is being free. I believe that the American Dream is having free rights to live how you please, for example, people have their own rules and morals to live by without the government telling them that it is illegal to live that way. Another example of the American Dream would be that I can make money in my own way like, owning my own business or just having a hustle. My American Dream is being able to have my own beliefs and theories on the concepts of life.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

That Piece of Life

Life is like a big puzzle,
You have all the pieces right in front of you
But, it confuses you by how you need to merge
It all together in order to make it the way you
May need or want it to be in the end. Puzzles
Can be extremely complex to those who just
Want to rush and get it over, sometimes
Ending with nothing, but for those who are
Patient and try analyze the image from the box it
Came out of, they tend to have the puzzle figured
Out in the right amount of time. What if you had it
together but you were missing that one piece?
Do you give up or do you take it apart and try to
Piece it all together in order to find out where
You made a wrong turn at? What if you had that
Last puzzle piece but the vacant spot of puzzle didn't
match? do you give up or do you mold that piece into
 Something that you're satisfied with?

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

What I learned and what I would like to learn in Mr.Rease's class

One thing that I learned and that I think would help me throughout high school and the rest of my life is learning how to write all types of essays and these things taught me to think thoroughly so that the essay makes sense. Something that i strongly need to work on would be managing time during assessments. I also need to learn how to annotate short stories and poems better. I don't have anything important that i would feel fond of learning, I just would like for my strategy of learning to be better this semester.