Tuesday, February 19, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 7

Chapter 8 was very relative to current days in life. At the beginning of the chapter I feel as though this relates strongly to the men these days, they act like little boys. What I can get from this is that no matter the age, if you don't learn in school or life, then you are bound to either end up dead, in a prison, or have lack on intelligence and knowledge. Grant's teacher Matthew Antoine is indeed racist but he still tolerates with Grant no matter the skin tone. He is a very individual due to the fact that he intentionally corrupted the minds of Grant's classmates at young ages. People like this are still walking around the world to this day. They would rather see a black man fail and be what those call a "bum" or locked up than seeing a successful black person thrive to achieve greatness.

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