Monday, October 21, 2019

Lights, Camera, Action!

 Today in AP, we finally finished reading Fences and it ended beautifully. We found out that Troy' s daughter's name is Raynell. Troy and Cory got into a heated fight which could have been resolved, but in the next scene, sadly Troy passed away, and this was years later in the year of 1965. Cory and Raynell met for the first time, and Cory is in the Marines. Gabe also blows on a trumpet without a mouth piece, therefore resulting in no sound, and does a dance so that St. Peter could open up Heaven's gates for Troy. Once the story ended, Mr. Reese decided that the class should split up into 3 groups, similar to how we did for the play Macbeth, we are reenacting a scene of the play without rewriting it as a scenario. My group is doing the scene when Troy and Cory fight which is scene 4 of act 2, and we get to bring props which is even better. I'm very excited to be doing this again.

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