Tuesday, January 15, 2019

That Piece of Life

Life is like a big puzzle,
You have all the pieces right in front of you
But, it confuses you by how you need to merge
It all together in order to make it the way you
May need or want it to be in the end. Puzzles
Can be extremely complex to those who just
Want to rush and get it over, sometimes
Ending with nothing, but for those who are
Patient and try analyze the image from the box it
Came out of, they tend to have the puzzle figured
Out in the right amount of time. What if you had it
together but you were missing that one piece?
Do you give up or do you take it apart and try to
Piece it all together in order to find out where
You made a wrong turn at? What if you had that
Last puzzle piece but the vacant spot of puzzle didn't
match? do you give up or do you mold that piece into
 Something that you're satisfied with?

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