Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Day 1 analysis "The Kite Runner"

Today is the beginning of the analysis of The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.
In chapter 2, the speaker gives a description of each main character. His childhood friend Hassan is an innocent and loving child. He and his father Ali ar Shi'a Muslim, they dont revolve around violence like the Sunni, which is the speaker and his family. Ali and Hassan stay in a hot on the speaker's property. The speaker comes from a wealthy family, and his father is a business man. Saraubar, Hussan's mother, doesn't claim neither her child no Ali as her husband. She has no respect for them because of their imperfections, Hassan with the cleft lip and Ali with paralysis and being unable to have movement in some muscles.
 In chapter 3, the speaker talks about his strong and brave his Baba is. Baba is athletic and strong.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Poetry Day 1

 Today in AP, half of the class recitd some ther poem by Maya Angelou. I personally believe that everyone did amazing, even though they stumbled on some lines they did the thing. Their posters were lovely, especially Shane's and Z'Kia's. The poems weren't too short or too long, but they all held a meaning that I could relate to. The overall scene of each poem was great, the other students were very creative with their posters. I'm doing my poem recitation tomorrow so fingers crossed and prayers up that I do well.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Powerful words

 Today in AP, we had a huge discussion on a well known word used by the A.A. community. The discussion was to determine whether or not it was okay for whites and even our own race to u this word, and if so or if not then why. I honestly believe that using this word within the black community has a positive connotation to it where as when whites use it its said in a way to demean our culture and bring us down back into the older days where racism was worst than it is now. I often use this word but not in a repetitive form like some other A.A. people do. We also read a poem based on this and after reading, what I got from it was that the use of the word holds a lot of power behind it when it is used against us. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Face Your Fears

 Today in AP, things were a bit emotional. Mr. Reese asked us questions about our fears in life as well as what is stopping us from doing what we love. In my opinion, I struggle with confronting issues with myself. This topic has somewhat opened my eyes to see that I can accomplish any goal as long as there is no fear in my heart. My goals and ambishions can be reached, I just have to stop fearing what may happen in the future and live my present now because tomorrow is not promised to anybody. The entire subject in class was a life lesson and words of wisdom that I needed.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


 Today in AP, Mr. Reese wasn't in but he made sure to leave us an assignment. The assignment was only simple questions about the prologue of The Canterbury Tales. Class wasnt really busy today other than is doing that assignment.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Confusion and Understanding

 Today in AP, we had a multiple questions test. I thought it was quite difficult being that I wasn't prepared for it at all, this resulted into me failing the test. Majority of the class did bad on the test so Mr. Reese put us all in groups based on our grades, one who pasted and two other who failed. Once we were in our groups, everyone had to agree on which answer was correct for each question. Mr. Reese put our groups grade in the grade book. I think that if I actually comprehended what was being asked in the questions, the I would've made a better grade. The story itself went way left meaning, the beginning of the story had nothing to do with majority of it and it confused me.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


 Today in AP, we all were to answer questions that were made by groups in my class pertaining to The Canterbury Tales. The questions weren't confusing, they just weren't worded as well as they should have been. I believe that this gives the class somewhat like a guide for us to answer questions on the AP exam easier. Once we finished answering some of the questions, Mr.Reese had typed out our answers for each question. The process of finding the right answers wasn't hard to do, it was just understand what the questions were truly asking for. Throughout the entire class, we worked on this, then towards the end we had an exit slip. The exit slip required is to give 2 quotes from The Pardoner's Tale and explain how and why they are important in the tale. My quotes were more like a symbolizing importance to the tale, which I think is different and somewhat a creative way of finding quotes that are important.

Monday, January 13, 2020

For the Love of Money

 Today in AP, we read a tale from The Canterbury Tales it was called "The Pardiner's Tale." The tale have a lot of morals, but my main focus was on knowing that too much money in the hand of the wrong person could become a huge issue. I believe that money could be used for a lot of good things, but some people that have the power to help change something are stingy and they only care for the power that money has for them. While we were reading the tale, Mr. Reese spoke about scriptures in the bible that strongly relates to the book, my favorite quote was from Proverbs 13:22 " A good man leads an inheritance to his children's children, but the wealth of a sinner is stored for the righteous." This script says a lot, one being that in order for you and your family to thrive, others must be willing to contribute to help with that, and a sinner would keep everything to himself which would lead into a struggle for that family. This story also teaches that in order to grow, you cant stay around the same crowd or you'll become just like them. The 3 rioters were all alike but they all wanted wealth but went about getting wealthy in the wrong way, which resulted in death to them all, hence the quote, "For the love of money is the root of all evil."

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Canterbury Tales

 Today we watched another motivational video, this video revolved around effort and I honestly felt every word from it. This video is very inspiring and it helped me understand more about life. Once we finished with the video, Mr. Reese began talking about Canterbury Tales, which I have never heard of until now. We were assigned to start on reading the book today.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

New Year, New Mindset

 Today was the beginning of a new semester since winter break. In AP, we had an introduction for what we would be doing the remainder of the school year. Mr. Reese gave us questions for us to answer,thesequestions were mainly about goals and lessons that we have met, learned, andwill soon accomplish. We watched a TED TALK video which was about graduation and self recognition as well as acknowledging those around you. These years of high school taught me a lot about mainly loyalty, ambitions, and dedication in life.