Friday, February 22, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 8

In chapter 9, Grant is really overreacting about the whole situation. He isn't letting his anger go when it comes to helping Jefferson. He doesn't think about how everyone else would feel and I think that later on in the book either Miss Emma or Tante Lou will tell him about himself. During their visit at the prison, Grant didn't feel any different about the situation when he saw Jefferson. It's like Grant seems to feel a bit guilty for feeling the way he does about Jefferson.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 7

Chapter 8 was very relative to current days in life. At the beginning of the chapter I feel as though this relates strongly to the men these days, they act like little boys. What I can get from this is that no matter the age, if you don't learn in school or life, then you are bound to either end up dead, in a prison, or have lack on intelligence and knowledge. Grant's teacher Matthew Antoine is indeed racist but he still tolerates with Grant no matter the skin tone. He is a very individual due to the fact that he intentionally corrupted the minds of Grant's classmates at young ages. People like this are still walking around the world to this day. They would rather see a black man fail and be what those call a "bum" or locked up than seeing a successful black person thrive to achieve greatness.

Monday, February 18, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 6

Based on chapter 7, Mr. Johnson seems to be a very careless person. He isn't right for getting Grant's last name wrong on purpose, Grant was being respectful towards him so he should at least show an ounce of kindness and respect. Mr. Johnson is a cruel person, especially when he suggested to grant that the students can go buy their own school supplies and when he also suggested that they should "stop being lazy" and gather pecans and sell them to buy their own toothbrushes and other items. This shows that back then, no black person, no matter your age, was treated less than nothing in the 1900's.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 5

In chapter 6,Grant is now willing to go through with teaching Jefferson since Mr.Henri and Mr.Louis are betting that he won't be able to do so. It's like they wanted to make Grant upset by making him wait a whole two hours. In my opinion, he was right for not showing lack of knowledge. This shows the white men that he wasn't dumb enough to fall for their tricks, also it shows that he is a very well educated black man. Mr. Henri and Mr. Louis needed to see that Grant is fit for this task, even if he doesn't want to do it.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 4

Grant seems to be very impulsive towards his students in chapter 5. I understand that this story takes place in the 1940's but he shouldn't hurt his students the way he is doing. Both physically and emotionally, he is wrong for hurting these children. He is acting out badly just because he can't have his way and not help Jefferson. He is taking his anger out on the wrong people. If he is so angry, he should take this anger to the jury of the 13 white men who decided to sentence Jefferson to death. He's taking the "teaching you how to be a man/woman" phrase the wrong way. If he wants to push some one into maturing and growing up, he should first learn patience, then try teaching the students how they are supposed to be men and women in his school. He knows that he doesn't have a choice but to teach Jefferson how to be a man, therefore, he needs to put his feelings aside until this is all over.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 3

In chapter 4, Grant seems like an apathetic type of person. It's like he doesn't want to help because, either way, Jefferson is going to die. In my opinion, he isn't being a man at all, in fact, he is acting more like a teenage boy. I say this because he is messing around with a married woman, Dora, and she is allowing it. Even though she is getting a divorce, Dora doesn't know if her feelings will ever change with the way she feels about her husband. Grant acts sort if disrespectful in this chapter and I don't believe that he is fit enough to turn Jefferson into a man before he dies.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 2

Chapters 2 and 3 leaves me on edge. Unlike chapter 1, these chapters were more intense. Grant going down to the prison to make Jefferson into a man before his death is very moving. In my opinion, he is doing the right thing by doing this; Jefferson deserves to die as a man instead of as a "hog". I feel as though Miss Emma is taking Jefferson's punishment harder than anybody else.

Monday, February 11, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 1

The beginning of this story is very detailed and visual. In my opinion, Jefferson didn't deserve a death penalty. Like his attorney stated, he doesn't even know how to plan so how could he use a gun to kill Mr.Grope'? Jefferson's family doesn't deserve to deal with the death of him due to him being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I feel as though he shouldn't be given the death penalty, but time in jail would've been enough. But due to it being in this time and era, giving an African American, a male at that, time in a prison or jail was not an option to most whites.