Friday, November 22, 2019

Prose Essay

 Today in AP, we were given a prose essay on the first 3 letters of The Color Purple. When writing, I didn't find anything too difficult, I just wasnt moving fast enough with the amount of time that we had to complete this essay. The prompt explained that we had to figure out what tone the author used and how it was used  by a character, which is Celie.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Small Tasks

 Today in AP, we did a short recap on The Color Purple. Once we were done we read what I'm believing is only one letter of the book, it was interesting. After this, we began on a prompt, with this we only did one paragraph and had a discussion about the prompt and paragraphs that were read out loud by some of my other classmates.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Be The Character (letter)

Be The Character

Today in AP, Mr. Rease had us draw a character's name from The Color Purple because, we were going to use the S.T E.A.L. method as well as writing a letter from their perspective. My character is the one and only Shug Avery. I'm going to post the letter onto my blog which will be the following post.

Monday, November 18, 2019


 Today in AP, we went over some claims from our essays that were grammatically incorrect and a few more things. We're doing this so that we could be prepared for our upcoming essay this Friday. Once we finished, with that with the remaining time left we had of class, we read some more of The Color Purple. Once were done, Mr.Rease instructed us to make 5 claims about the letters that were read today.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Sophia, Sophia, Sophia!

 Today in AP, we had to answer some questions based on the first letters that we read. Once we finished, we read more of The Color Purple. In these letters it, the class found out that Celie is jealous of her step son Harpo's wife named Sophia. Both her and Mister suggest that Harpo beats Sophia to "get her right." In my opinion I love Sophia's strong personality, she is herself no matter who doesn't like her. Once we were done reading a certain portion of the letter, Mr. Reese put on a scene of The Color Purple when Celie tells Harpo to beat Celie. The movie leaves out a lot of details from the story. By reading the book, it gives me a better understanding of more things that I didn't understand from the movie.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


 Today in AP, we began on reading The Color Purple by Alice Walker. I already watched the movie, but the story reveals a lot more than the movie does. I love this book already, even though we aren't deep in the book yet I know that I will be just as good as the movie. This story has a lot of vulgar moments in it, but I'm mature enough to cope with it and understand and not freak out about it all.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


 Today in AP, we discussed about our final poem by Sylvia Plath known as The Moon and a Yew Tree. Since there were 4 stanzas, Mr. Reese broke us up into 4 groups. Each group had to analyze each stanza to see what the speaker was trying to say in them. When we presented, my group did exceptionally well, the other groups had the most trouble due to theirs being more in depth. Analyzing a poem, a dark poem at that, is very hard to do on our own.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Mr. Reese just wasted my time!!

 Today in AP we went over a new poem called You're by Sylvia Plath. The poem was really good and from what the class got from analyzing it, we figured that she was talking about a baby. When we finished reading Mr. Reese assigned for us to complete with analyzing each line. Since the class was mainly talking instead of doing the assignment, he created a pop quiz for us which was very hilarious. He gave us multiple things to put on it before the paper before the quiz. When we got to question number 7, he told us to put on our paper "Mr. Reese Just wasted my time." When he told us this everyone erupted into laugher. This was the funniest day ever in this class.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Real Poetic

 Today in AP, Mr. Reese assigned us to to write our own poem based off of an inanimate object. I decided to write mine on a student desk it wasn't hard to write but finding a rhyme scheme was. We then presented our poems to the class and some of the other classmates' poems were great. I enjoyed myself with writing this poem, but I think I could have done even better than what it is.