Monday, September 30, 2019

Insanity at its best!

    Today in class, we began to read a diary written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman called The Yellow Wallpaper. Before we began reading Mr.Reese asked why do people put up wallpaper our answers were the following: they're lazy, to decorate, and to cover up a mess. Once we began reading it turned out to be okay up until the 4th entry, the narrator began to imagine a figure moving under the wallpaper. This narrator is going postpartum depression, and in this case it gets worse due to the fact that her husband takes her as a joke.The class did in deed find this crazy because of how random this part just came up along with in the few following entries when the narrator began to go crazy when she noticed her husband, John, and  nanny, Mary, sometimes stared at the wall as well. We took notes on all that we read and make a chart for the 4 themes that are found in the book: mental illness, gender roles and domestic life, outward appearance vs. inner life, and self-expression, miscommunication, and misunderstanding

Monday, September 23, 2019

DIY Story

    Today in Reese's class, he assigned the class to make up our own story, but he introduced a new method to us which made writing it much more easier that how we once did it before. The setting and characters don't make sense and the way it's put together is really funny, suck as the status of some characters in the story. Once we were done setting up everything we needed, we had to use those things to create an idea of the story on our own. I didn't get to finish mine but I'll still publish it. The story revolves around an Asian woman by the name of Rose Lee who has been divorced, but I made my story be around how she met her now ex husband, basically a back story. I didn't get to finish but I've been instructed to publish my part.

    The nail shop in Costco was giving the first 30 women free pedicures since it was Mother's Day. Rose Lee heard about the news the day before, got her mother and Susan ( Her BFF), and left to the shop before it even opened. Once they arrived, being the first 3 to arrive, they stood at the enterancebof the shop awaiting anxiously. A woman and was is assumed to be her husband soon join the line behind them, and at first Rose doesn't pay them any mind, but out of curiosity she just so happens to turn around and locks eyes with the husband, who's VERY attractive in her eyes and vice versa. The woman noticed that Rose had been staring at her husband for a tad bit too long, this caused her blood to boil with rage.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Who killed Duncan???

   Today we read some of act 2 in Macbeth. Comes to find out Macbeth and his lady took part in the murder of King Duncan. Once we finished reading, Mr.Reese instructed for us to do an investigation on the murder of Duncan and figure out how no one suspect that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth did indeed murder him. We were also told to write 5 quotes from act 2 scenes 1-4.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


   Mr. Reese was in today and he introduced a play to us called Macbeth by Shakespeare. We didn't read it, but he did give a basic summary onbwhat it will be about. We also answered questions pertaining to our lives that connects with this book in a way. I personally am hoping that this play is as good as the other stories we read in Reese's class.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Free Day

  Today, Mr. Reese didn't show up so the class went to Mr.Mai's class. We didnt do much except for watching funny animal videos.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Sonnet 29

    Today, we were split into groups to summarize one of Shakespeare's sonnets, "When in disgrace with Fortune and mens eyes." In order for the whole class to have an understanding on how to analyze and paraphrase a sonnet, we were assigned to summarize and analyze this sonnet on our own. This assignment was easy and the sonnet wasn't hard to understand, in fact it's very relatable. Once we were finished Mr.Rease, my AP Lit. teacher, had us turn in our paragraph explaining our claims that were made about the speaker.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Sunshine And Shakespeare

   Today, we learned the basics about Shakespearean sonnets. It's going to take a little while for me to fully understand, but it is easy to remember. We summarized each stanza as well as telling the them of one of William Shakespeare's sonnets. This poem was very lovely, it told a lot about beauty within oneself. I also learned that Shakespeare's plays and sonnets are written in blank verse using Iambic Pentameter.